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Australian businesses urged to strengthen IT systems amid rising cyber threats

By Robyn Tongol | |3 minute read
Australian Businesses Urged To Strengthen It Systems Amid Rising Cyber Threats

Strong IT infrastructure and cyber security systems are crucial in the current workforce, where risks are constant.


In a recent discussion of The HR Leader, Simon Cohen, founder and managing director at Cohesis, highlights the pressing need for organisations to properly maintain IT and cyber security measures.

Being proactive about potential threats is key, as issues can arise unexpectedly. Simon underscores the importance of technology as a fundamental driver for organisational success. He points out that effective IT systems are not merely a cost but an enabler that can drive efficiency and integration across all operational processes.

One of the key points of discussion was the misconception among smaller businesses that cyber threats primarily concern larger corporations. Simon clarifies that this line of thinking often leads to inadequate cyber security measures, leaving smaller enterprises particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks. He emphasises the necessity of data protection and the implementation of robust cyber security measures to safeguard sensitive information and intellectual property.