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NSW Government launches energy saving air conditioning rebate

By Jack Campbell | |3 minute read

As part of the NSW Energy Saving Scheme (ESS), the NSW Government is offering businesses and households the change to upgrade to energy-efficient air conditioning, thereby reducing energy costs and environmental impact.


The initiative aims to help reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption across the state. The ESS launched in 2009, with the hopes of promoting sustainable practices and setting targets for energy consumption.

The latest air conditioning rebate program offers up to $1,000 in rebates to NSW businesses and households when they replace old air conditioners with newer, low energy models. According to Efficient Energy Group, participants could save up to 50 per cent discount on their cooling costs.

Since its implementation, the ESS has reduced energy consumption and costs. At this rate, by 2030, the energy savings target will increase to 30 per cent, and by 2035, emissions could be reduced by 70 per cent. Net zero is hopeful by 2050.

To be eligible, specified energy performance must be met by the systems. The rebate is first in best dressed, and installs must be handled through qualified organisations, registered with the NSW Department of Energy.

According to Efficient Energy Group, whilst also providing better environmental advantages, low energy air conditioning systems can be cost saving, offer better comfort, and enhance property value.

To apply, visit the NSW Government website.

Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.