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Unlocking employee financial wellness: Your workplace advantage

By Nobby Kleinman | |3 minute read
Unlocking Employee Financial Wellness Your Workplace Advantage

Financial transformation takes centre stage in employee benefits.

In the ever-evolving world of financial planning, where the spotlight traditionally shines on investments and insurance products, a quiet revolution is underway. This transformation, known as “financial wellness”, is reshaping the landscape of personal finance, and employers are taking notice.

Employers are increasingly recognising the importance of employee benefits as a means to retain their workforce. However, the challenge lies in aligning these benefits with what truly matters to their employees.

Recent studies reveal a stark reality: employees are grappling with mounting personal financial pressures. Many consider switching jobs in pursuit of higher incomes, leading to a notable decline in commitment and productivity, a cost estimated at a staggering $66.8 billion annually to employers.

Amid this challenging backdrop, financial advice stands out as a highly prized benefit for employees, emphasising the critical role of employee wellbeing.

The spectre of retirement, a looming question mark for many, raises concerns about financial security. As retirement approaches, the fear of outliving savings becomes palpable. The provision of timely information empowers individuals to maximise their planning time and make informed decisions about their financial future, including prioritising debt elimination or investment.

However, one crucial factor transcends all others – the empowerment of individuals to take an active role in managing their financial plans. For employees, this represents an opportunity to seize control of their financial destinies.

Employers hold a unique position, capable of elevating their employees’ financial wellness and enriching their professional and personal lives by introducing in-house participation in financial enlightenment.

This is a gateway to self-confidence, financial control, and personal empowerment, in line with a commitment to their financial wellbeing, fostering loyalty and productivity.

While financial management remains a deeply personal matter, the concept of financial wellness offers a transformative opportunity, creating wealth and eliminating financial stress.

As employers embrace these shared goals, a brighter, more secure financial future comes into view, accompanied by increased employee loyalty, productivity, and retention. This not only serves as a potent retention incentive but also enhances recruitment appeal.

Nobby Kleinman is the chief executive of Money Rules.



Benefits include any additional incentives that encourage working a little bit more to obtain outcomes, foster a feeling of teamwork, or increase satisfaction at work. Small incentives may have a big impact on motivation. The advantages build on financial rewards to promote your business as a desirable employer.

Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.