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Culture is flourishing as employees are ‘proud’ to work for their employers

By Jack Campbell | |4 minute read
Culture Is Flourishing As Employees Are Proud To Work For Their Employers

Much to the delight of employers, a large portion of Aussie workers are reportedly proud to work for their employer as workplace culture thrives.

This was according to Ipsos’ What Australia Thinks, Feels and Does at Work report, which revealed that 72 per cent of employees across Australia experience a positive workplace culture, and 67 per cent said they’d recommend their employer as a great place to work.

Some of the top considerations for employees that would attract them to a role were pay and benefits (63 per cent) and flexible working opportunities (44 per cent).

Wendy McInnes, Ipsos Australia employee experience director, commented on the findings: “Australian workplaces have significantly shifted their priorities post-pandemic, in an attempt to retain their workforce.”

“The worker of 2024 is committed to achieving a work/life balance and is looking for an employer who understands and supports this balance. Organisations that continue to drive positive workplace culture from the top down will be most successful in 2024 in both attracting new staff and retaining talent.”

She continued: “As the cost-of-living crisis continues, workplaces will need to review their pay/benefits packages to remain competitive, as Australians seek out roles with higher salaries to offset their rising mortgage and other financial costs. Additionally, flexible working arrangements continue to be a key employment driver and remain a critical part of overall workplace operations.”

However, it’s not all positive news, as Ipsos also highlighted that the remaining 28 per cent noted poor workplace culture. For those planning to leave within the coming year, 46 per cent put the decision down to pay and benefits, and 38 per cent said it was because they didn’t feel appreciated or recognised.

“This study highlights the need by Australian employers to tackle young or new starter attrition, and the associated costs,” said Ghassan Karian, chief executive of Ipsos Karian and Box and Ipsos’ specialist in employee culture and engagement.

“There is also a need to deepen the experience of an open, trusting and listening culture – all of which are factors critical to driving workforce engagement and performance.”

Organisations will continue to thrive by prioritising recognition, as well as having fair pay and benefits packages. With the cost of living becoming a key concern for people across the world, culture can only go so far in attracting and retaining top talent.

Nearly a quarter said they would stay working for their employer for the next three to five years, and 23 per cent said they would stay for more than five years. If employers wish to increase these numbers, recognition, pay, and benefits must become top priority.



Benefits include any additional incentives that encourage working a little bit more to obtain outcomes, foster a feeling of teamwork, or increase satisfaction at work. Small incentives may have a big impact on motivation. The advantages build on financial rewards to promote your business as a desirable employer.


Your organization's culture determines its personality and character. The combination of your formal and informal procedures, attitudes, and beliefs results in the experience that both your workers and consumers have. Company culture is fundamentally the way things are done at work.

Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.